Choosing Pro-cone Round, Square or Corner

Choosing a Round, Square or Corner Batcone Exclusion System

When you have wildlife invading your home, you want the best method to eliminate them. Bats, sparrows, flying squirrels, starlings, red squirrels and other small rodents commonly seek out local homes in the Northeast for shelter and warmth through the winter months, and protection from the elements and other predators during the summer months. These animals might not seem like a major nuisance to homeowners at first, but through time, they can create health problems for the home’s occupants and cause damage to the structure.

The Batcone exclusion system was designed to eliminate these animals from your home in a safe and harmless manner, yet there are different choices in the kind of Batcone systems that you use. While hiring a professional wildlife exclusion expert to come into your home, evaluate the situation, and install the exclusion system is the best option for any homeowner, there are quite a few do-it-yourselfers when it comes to their homes.

The economy is also a factor at this time when it comes to these kinds of issues. Too many homeowners are struggling to get through the months and keeping up with their mortgage. They may have lost work or had their pay or hours reduced and are trying to avoid any unnecessary expenses, which often includes dealing with these uninvited guests.

So they are forced to handle the situation on their own. Which leads us to deciding whether to use a Batcone or Pro-cone Round, Square or Corner cone.

Analyzing the situation

The first thing that you need to do when you realize that you have wildlife living in your home, whether they are in the attic, the walls, a crawl space, or some other place within the structure, is to determine where these animals are gaining access to your home. Many homes have a number of access points, but this doesn’t mean that the animals are using them all. In fact, many of these small creatures will only use one or two points of entry.

Some will be near an attic vent or through a gap in the eves under the roof, while others might be along the corner of the house. You may have to wait until the animals are on the move to find out where they climb in an out. But you will likely be able to see there entry point from claw marks around wood or droppings left behind.

These entry points will determine what kind of Batcone system you will need. When you locate the common points of entry, then seal off all other possible points of entry and use either the straight or corner Batcone exclusion systems that allow the animals to exit the home, but will not permit them re-entry.

While the Batcone system can be left in place after you have removed the creatures from your home, it’s recommended to remove them and seal up the entryway completely. This will ensure that you won’t have to deal with this problem again in the future. If you are unsure where the animals are entering the home, you can add several Batcones throughout the house, wherever there is a gap, and seal off all others. This will be quite effective as well.

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