Squirrel Exclusion & Removal Devices - Products For Sale | The Batcone LLC


Pro-Cone® Squirrel

The Batcone LLC has everything you need to safely keep squirrels away from your home or business, and keep them away for good.

Have you ever come home to a strange noise coming from the chimney, only to look inside and find a squirrel staring back at you? No matter where you find a squirrel in your residential or commercial property, there’s an easy way to deter them from coming back with the Pro-Cone Squirrel line of squirrel exclusion and removal devices.

We’ve created a series of squirrel exclusion and removal devices of all different sizes to suit any application at your property. Each is made of durable material, with heavy-duty options available for persistent or particularly problematic squirrel issues.

Squirrels can wreak havoc on your property, clawing away at your furniture, biting holes in your drywall, or chewing on electrical cords and wires. If they are getting in, you need a reliable solution to stop their infiltration. Turn to the Pro-Cone Squirrel series of exclusion devices to protect your property and your comfort.

Owner and innovator of the Batcone, Jim Dreisacker, has more than 30 years of experience in the nuisance wildlife removal and exclusion industry, so you can rest assured in knowing that his products work! Dreisacker’s products have helped to keep homes and businesses free of squirrels and many other pesky rodents and animals for decades, and you can trust the Pro-Cone will work for your property as well.

To learn more or to place an order for squirrel exclusion and removal devices from Batcone, call 888-RID-BATS today.